here are some liner notes on the lil TTT tape. famously(ish) I once did a set at Shrill at McNeill's on a Monday night where I just talked about the tracks I was going to play without actually playing them and I stand by that concept so here it is in web format (i think mostly i'm just nosy and appreciate this kind of info from other people's stuff/and maybe i am trying to demystify production/and it's a nice way to give people shout outs and contextualise things)

the first part of a song that goes on to be called "I'll have yeah a fucking chicken and bacon sandwich" but isn't quite that song yet. recorded it as part of a GLOSS recording session at la chunky. need to learn how not to be deeply uncomfortable in recording (trying to be weird in private is embarrassing enough never mind in front of three people watching you) but liked the sort of proto-bagpipe sound i got out of this

"Midget Gems", based (verbatim) on a conversation i overheard at work. wrote the musical part on an avanti west coast train down to london i think before the TTTxMOT gig by just typing my own full name into the keyboard loads of times as midi notes (couldnt think of anything wittier). the letters that didnt correspond to a note gave it a sort of rhythm that i thought was neat.

"Oh what a treat, it's fermented meat". playing with a relatively new guitar pedal i bought off Loris for £20 at a curlach jumble sale. pinched the lyrics from something witty that gordon said at a market in vilnius the day after we played there on an invitation from the lovely sholto. recorded it on "residency" at MASSIA in estonia, a sort of self-organised artist residency spot that is probably popping in the summer but in mid november saw me wearing a full skisuit in a 1920s school gym crouched over my laptop to the bemusement of the three other guests (american anarcho-crypto guy, german herbalist, disenfranchised estonian)

"Here I am in a bog on the Latvian border". layered another from that time just trying to whistle in time with the previous whistle on the delay until it got kind of feverish

"Instant Hollandaise". josh is a great cook (and professional chef) but there was something about the idea of the instant hollandaise he used once that made me need to make a horrible song

"leaving a spoon in a tub -10". as part of the GLOSS course we learned about microtonality (v interesting history) and then as homework had to make a track using the microtonal feature on ableton. my version of ableton didn't have this capacity but i have the full suite of it from when i worked in rubadub and had a retail partner account where i could download the betas at the time. no longer have this account so couldn't upgrade to a more recent version. ended up finding a terrible youtube video where the guy was like HERE ARE LOADS OF CRAZY MICROTONAL TONES THAT WILL BLOW YOUR MIND and i just ripped it and cut it up and did grim things to it. the repeated lyric (which i just said over and over again until i went nuts rather than record it once and loop it) is based on a text sent out to staff in a shawlands based cafe detailing how their tips would be reduced for various misdemeanours. that kind of inane spitefullness really got to me. the cafe shut.

"Ageing Consuming Ventilating" starving manufacturing destroying warning phoning leaving. Kind of the precurser to the radiophrenia thing i went on to do - project about dying alone in a hospital in the future. this was produced concurrently with max syedtollan & brunnera fuelled by free fritz colas at WORM in rotterdam on our euro tour. one of the synths we played was some mental red thing that you could twang (sorry gear nerds).

"You Spat Your Lozenge on my Chin". submitted this for a radio buena vida compilation shout out those guys

"Larval Debridement Therapy". i'm really into the continued use of leeches in plastic surgery, which naturally led me to the NHS inform page about gangrene. i probably know the article off pat by now but i still enjoy googling NHS gangrene in the middle of every set. the kind of chord thing in the background is a cello tuner i got off the strange guy i bought a cello off in a bus stop in moodiesburn.

"Get Ready for Wellbeing Week". received an email with this title three times a week for about four weeks through my uni. never opened them. the "shopping centre massage chairs" line comes from an EP i was going to make about the time i had an administrative task to do in east kilbride. not sure about the fishfingers

"My Holiday to Barcelona". also made at WORM with Max & Gordon, about the time i ate dinner by myself in canete in barcelona and felt like a dickhead. the bit about the aftersun is actually from a different time when i got outrageously sunburnt as a 17 year old.

"Highly Elevated Consumption of Eggs". people think this is about josh but it's a headline about a boxer who was investigated for doping but they found that he just ate loads of eggs. the bit of singing that sounds like garbage was recorded straight into my laptop whilst catsitting pam for matthew & andy.

"The Brain Reacts Violently to its Imminent Death". had some training at work with the SNOD (really gnarly acronym for senior nurse for organ donation). this was the title of one of the slides of the powerpoint and for something so metal it was delivered impassively

"I Know a Guy who Fed Cocaine to a Bee". it was an accident

"Read About Sanctions" already released this one on "buying shit for some fun". born out of being on the dole and making tunes under my bed. shout out my work coach at the time.

this little segment doesnt really have a title yet. made it by putting my tongue against a cable. dont think theres anything else to it.

"I'm Going to Decathlon to Buy Some Socks". you can follow me on strava here


anyway that's the full thing. thanks v much to will for all the support. also v indebted to joel and gordon of GLARC, josh, i2h2s, subcity, rubadub, glasgow, everyone who has lent me their equipment and time and friendship and the chance to play gigs.